Club History of Rotary Club of Waxhaw Weddington
The Waxhaw-Weddington Rotary Club was chartered in June 2004 under the leadership of Bob Denson, with assistance from Bill Roberts and several other charter members.
Picture of Charter Night
Current active membership in our club is 61 Rotarians and growing.
Past Presidents:
Nico Iannelli / Yorda Kidane '23 - '24
Yorda Kidane '22 - '23
Marcus Watson '21 - '22
Jeanne Pritt '19 - '21
Paula Jeanne Smith '18 - '19
Michael Lanphier '17 - '18
Don Fisher '16 - '17
Alicia Campbell '15-'16
Nico Iannelli '14-'15
Rad Pate '13-'14
John Moore '12-'13
Nancy Duncan '11-'12
Cathy Burns '10-'11
Arthur Lightbody '09-'10
Larry Hook '08-'09
Bill Whittaker '07-'08
Jerry Simpson '06-'07
Bill Roberts '05-'06
Bob Denson '04-'05
District 7680: Established July 1,1992 with 2,750 Rotarians and 39 clubs, 29 from District 7670 and 10 from District 7690.
Our District is noted for its support of The Rotary Foundation, its programs for youth and as “the Birthplace of Rotaract” with the founding of the first Rotaract Club at UNC-Charlotte on March 13, 1968, by the Charlotte North Rotary Club.